Monday, 14 November 2011

Raiders of the Lost Ark, for real

I have, for a long time, been a fan of Indiana Jones. Especially Raiders of the Lost Ark. Now, for a recap. What lost ark? Some who haven't seen the movie think it might mean Noah's Ark. I certainly did before watching the movie! In reality, it refers to the Lost Ark, the most incredible artifact in history. No one knows what exactly lies inside, or the current location of the ark, or even if it exists! But it has some whopping supernatural powers if it is real. The Nazis that stole the ark in Indiana Jones figured that out the hard way. And so, here is the tale of the Ark of the Covenant.

 The Dawn of the Ark

According to the legends, thousands of years ago, the ark was created. I myself don't know the details well, so excuse any crude facts in this post. Apparently, the prophet Moses was leading people out of Egypt to escape slavery. He stopped at Mt. Sinai and climbed it. The mountain was wreathed in lightning. Later, he came back down with the Ten Commandments and smashed them. The smashed bits and the second set of commandments were placed in the ark, which was later placed in a temple in Israel. But something else might have been in the ark, because when it was stolen by the enemies of Israel, they all succumbed to a mysterious famine. Was it thanks to the ark? Maybe. The ark caused many other strange occurences. What they were, I embarrassingly can't recall.

But why the title lost ark? Well, soon after the Israelites recovered it, it vanished from the Second Temple!

The Vanishing Ark

Nobody knows exactly where it went. Some say it was shipped to the city of Tanis in Egypt, like in Raiders of the Lost Ark. Others say it ended up in Tanzania. A few say it is buried in a cavern in Arabia. A few even say the ark was an alien supercomputer, and the aliens flew down a UFO and beamed it up, then took it back to the planet Vulcan. I know, those conspiracy theories are just plain bizzare. But what happened to the ark, then? Who knows. Of course, maybe we don't want to find out. Indiana Jones just barely escaped the awe-inspiring supernatural powers of the ark. Something inside of it is deadly and powerful beyond imagination. Maybe we don't really want to cross it....

Of course, Indiana Jones is just a movie, right? Um, right?

I sure hope so, because I have an aversion to getting incinerated by supernatural powers beyond human imagination!!!              


Welcome to the wierd!

Thank you so much for coming! I'm Matt, your tour guide into this blog. Chasing the Past and Beyond is about the mysteries behind everything, the supernatural around us, mysterious creatures like the Mokele-Mbembe or the Sasquatch, and all kinds of cool stuff like that. Okay, sometimes I deviate from such topics, like maybe listing my favorite Primeval episodes or some of the latest news on the endangered One-Horned Indian Rhino or something like that, but wierdness is the main theme of the day. And so, without further ado, afoot or afoul, you may explore the depths of the completely wacky and unknown. Have fun, and don't get eaten by slime monsters!